July 13, 2010

Niles injury 7/12/2010

Niles and Todd went up to Camp Maple Dell on Monday, July 12th. Todd stayed behind to guard the camp site while Niles went with the other scouts to do a service project. While hiking there Niles went to jump over a log and came down on a large stick. The camp Doctor had bandaged it up before Todd saw it so he didn't know how bad it was. The Doctor told Todd that Niles needed to be stitched up. Todd ran him down the canyon and called me while on his way to the doctor's office. Russ and I met them there.
We thought Niles was having a hard time because he was not to happy about getting stitches. After they removed the bandage we knew why he was struggling.
The doctor had to check to make sure no ligaments were damaged. It went all the way to his bone. Poor guy!! He did well and headed right back up to scout camp. He is restricted on what he can do there. No swimming, running and needs to be careful hiking. Todd is staying one more night and then big brother Russ will head up to be Niles partner.

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