August 7, 2019

Emma's empty room...Not anymore!

Something that I like to call a tender mercy.  A few months ago I felt that Charlie and Evan should have a place/bed of their own at our home.  When they would come every week Charlie would sleep on a pull out couch in my office and Evan would sleep on a mattress in Todd's office.  It always felt so temporary.

When I had the feeling there needed to be something they could call their own I had this thought of making them beds in the "tunnels" in Emma's room.  The "tunnels" are the space between the pony wall and the roof under the angled ceiling, about 45 inches wide, 25 inches at the shortest side and 53 inches at the highest side.  I decided once Emma left I would begin working on the beds.

The day Emma left I walked down to her room and instantly started crying as the emptiness of her room hit me.  It lacked life, it lacked her energy.  The next day I began to design and plan the room for the kids.  It was then I realized the tender mercy.  God knew I would struggle with her empty room and He also knew that I needed to be busy doing something to get my mind off of Emma being gone.

So, here are the  pictures from Emma's empty not anymore!

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