April 7, 2010

Todd: New Jersey & New York- 07 April 2010

My first view of New York as we were coming into New Jersey. The Empire State Building can be seen through the haze.

A Mounted NYPD Officer

A bit too warm. It was hard to find a water fountain. But, there was plenty of water being sold for $2.00 a bottle by the street vendors

Looking up

We got half off the admission since we are Law Enforcement

A window section from one of the planes flown into the towers on September 11th

Items belonging to a NY Fire Fighter that died when the building collapsed

A computerized look at what the WTC will look like when all of the new construction is completed. You can see where the original towers stood. Those spots will have water running over the walls

Our tour guide. He was working at the WTC when it was bombed in 1993, and during the attacks on September 11th. On September 11th, he was told by a frantic co-worker that the north tower was on fire. He said that he and a few of his co-workers decided that they would leave their 76th floor and begin heading down out of the building just as a precaution. As they were heading down, the second plane impacted at between the 78th and 84th floors.

Construction at WTC

New Jersey in the background

I purchased a $2.00 pretzel and $2.00 bottle of water from this street vendor

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

China Village

I don't know if this guy was actually sleeping or putting on a show for sympathy? Notice his cup to collect donations?

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