September 9, 2009

UHP Physical Test- 09 Sept. 2009

UHP Headquarters and IA personnel took part in the "Mandatory Participation" PT today. If it were a required "Pass/Fail" test, I'm afraid that too many Troopers and Supervisors would NOT be able to pass!!! Yes, I passed!!! Two years ago, I would not have been able to pass this test. At that time, I was packing more weight and the seams of my shirts were tearing apart because of my excess inches, and I could only run about a half of a block before becoming severely winded.

The PT consists of a Vertical Jump, Sit-ups, Push-ups and 1.5 Mile Run. Do to a mistake by the Supervisor that plotted out the course for the run, we ended up running 2 miles instead of 1.5. Everyone was trying to figure out why it had taken them so long to complete the run. Once the mistake was identified, the times were adjusted. I passed all the categories, and will now spend the next couple of weeks getting conditioned for the Sergeants Promotional PT that will count for extra points.

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